دانلود صفر تا صد آموزش اسکچ آپ مقدماتی تا پیشرفته SketchUp

آموزش کار با پاک کن اسکچاپ SketchUp Eraser tool


Now let"s take a look at SketchUp"s Eraser tool. And all this really does is erase edges. So here I have a simple building, and if you notice, we have a couple of extra edges here that were leftovers from the construction. Well, we can get rid of those in one of two ways. I can select that edge and just hit the Delete key. Now, if I do that, it will work. But sometimes this can cause problems when you bring this model into another 3D app. So I"m going to undo that, and we"re going to do this properly using the Erase tool. Now, we can find this under Tools, Eraser. The hotkey is e. And we also have it here in our toolbox and it looks like a pink pearl eraser. And all we have to do to use this tool is just hover over what we want to erase and click. So I can basically erase edges. And so it"s actually a very simple tool to use. Now, we can also use the Eraser tool as part of another process which uses lines as construction guides for building other things. So let"s say we wanted to put some doors and windows on this house, and we wanted the top cell of those to line up. Well, one easy way to do this is to just simply draw a line along the top that represents the top cell of those doors and windows. And then we can use those along with, say, the Rectangle tool to basically draw a door or a window. And we can also draw another window. Now, once I have these in place, I still have these construction lines which are, really, not needed at this point and we can simply use our Eraser tool to get rid of them. And once we do, we can rest assured that our doors and windows are lined up. So, as you can see, the Eraser tool really is a very straightforward tool, but do get in the habit of using it over the Delete key.

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